ᵵ Reyr Tahno ᵵ

Come...'Twas plain from the first how this would end...

☙ Information ❧

"'Tis better to bend with the wind than stand tall and be broken."

**Rava Viera ᵵ Former Garlean Optio **
Full Name: Reyr pyr Tahno
Server: Mateus
Gender: Male
Age: 169
Apparent Age: 31
Sexuality: Homoflexible
Relationship Status: Single, Polyamorous
Homeland: Golmorre Jungle
Residence: Ul'dah / The Mist
Occupation: Silent Partner of a Small Business

☙ Quick History ❧

Reyr Tahno was born to a very rigid, militaristic Viera village in the very depths of the Golmoran Jungle. When his gender was revealed as a young child, he was pulled from his family - particularly two of his sisters whom he had grown extremely close to: Rhjn and Ysera. Taken to the male village, he was trained in the ways of the Wood and to be a hunter and protector of the Wood.Reyr settled deep into his tribe's customs, rituals, rules and culture and became the perfect warrior for their tribe. He was nearing one hundred and fifty when he was being considered to be Second to their Chieftan, the youngest to be considered in their tribe's history. One patrol however, his hunting party was ambushed by a large Garlean contingent and the battle, long and grueling, was lost for the Viera. Half dead, the other half - including Reyr - were taken as slaves and taken with the Garleans to their nearest castrum.Reyr served as a slave for nearly five years before his martial prowess was observed when he came to the rescue of the daughter of the Legatus he was serving. He was immediately conscripted into the Garlean military. Knowing there was no escape from this life, Reyr committed fully to his new circumstances. Though he was a second class citizen, he was determined to work as hard as he could and be the best he could be.He was placed into the XIIth Legion where he was sent to Doma. Along with a half-Elezen, half-Garlean woman, named Zhaavi that he befriended, they both worked together to rise through the ranks under Lord Zenos. Their paths eventually diverged when their tribunus laticlavius took a favoring to Zhaavi and Lord Zenos himself, intrigued by Reyr's uniqueness as a rare male viera, took an interest in Reyr - him, along with many others who caught his interest in an effort to 'cure his boredom'. Be it through favoritism or hard work, Reyr never knew, but both he and Zhaavi rose in the ranks - her to the rank of Centurion and him to the rank of Optio - by the time Doma fell and their unit was recalled back to Garlemald with their leader.(The next part has been redacted due to spoilers. To see the redacted information please see the note below.)Now free, and unable to return home due to his tribe's rigid stance on leaving the Wood, Reyr has begun to explore the world as a free man. Along his travels, he heard word that one of his sisters, Rhjn, was out in the world as well and so he pursued her and after a heartfelt reunion, was offered a job at the brothel she ran with her mate, soon to be wife, and their dear friend. Reyr doesn't know what the future holds but he is happy to find stability while he figures it out what to do with his life.

For the full history of Reyr Tahno that includes post-Shadowbringers spoilers, click the history link below.If you are interested in reading more about the NSFW side of Reyr, particularly with his work as a companion & escort at the Desert Rose, please click the NSFW link below.

☙ A Deeper Look... ❧

"Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the triumph over it."

ᵵ Personality ᵵ

While Reyr can certainly be charming, suave and a bit of a debonair, with a quick smile and a laugh to tingle the senses on the surface, Reyr is actually quite a serious man. Deep down, he is a fairly surly, broody, grumpy sort of man who finds true pleasure in only a very few things. He is also quite a private man and if one is lucky enough to get beneath his walls, they would find a man who has seen much, felt plenty and experience more than his fair share of trauma.Fire and ice are a great way to describe this man. One moment he will be laughing, charming and naturally seductive and the next he can be cold as ice, seemingly detached emotionally - though he is hardly cruel.In fact, Reyr is one of the kindest souls you will probably ever meet, in truth.

ᵵ Appearance ᵵ

In prime physical condition from over a hundred and sixty years of being a warrior in some form or another, Reyr Tahno is a body of tanned hard muscle rippling under smooth skin. Violet hair with black tips is almost always either braided along the side of his neck with wisps about his face or is pulled back in a half-ponytail with various braids and bangs around his face. Magenta eyes, modified with an almost magitek element deep in the iris, look out from dark, heavy black lashes and accent the naturally darker red lips that cover sharp feral-like fangs - a rarity among his people.Tattoos:
Six black dots on his forehead (that glow when he uses aether).
Ears (both), Nipples (both, barbells), Navel (vertical barbell)
Always-Wears Jewelry:
A vine bracelet with ornate silver clasp (a gift from his sisters before he left for the male village).

ᵵ RP Hooks ᵵ

These are the non-spoiler RP hooks. To see the RP Hooks that tie into all of his story, please see his full backstory.

» Golmore Jungle - Reyr was born in the Golmore Jungle to the Heilagur tribe and then taken to the male tribe of Tahno as a young child. Connections from that time in his life are very welcome!» Former XIIth Legionnaire - Reyr rose to the ranks of Optio in the Garlean military while stationed in Doma under Lord Zenos. For good or ill, perhaps you know him from this time or some other connection to his service time?» Powerful Aether Manipulator - While in the military under Garlean rule, Reyr was one of a few selected to be experimented on with aether manipulation and magitek amplification. The tattoos on his forehead are implanted with magitek chips that amplify his aether use, making his aether manipulation considerably stronger. However, its wild for him and he struggles to control it so he keeps it suppressed at all times.» Aether Vision - Due to further experimentation by the Garleans, his eyes were operated on and now have given him the ability to see aether and aether currents in all living beings as well as ambient aether. It is because of this surgery his eyes, when looked close at, have an artificial magitek-like structure to his iris'.» Desert Rose Brothel - Reyr's younger sister, Rhjn, is one of the Madame's of this brothel and, through her, he has found employment as a companion/escort.» Gambler & Drinker - Reyr loves drinking and has a very high constitution for imbibing in alcohol and drugs. He also loves doing some gambling and is always down to try a go with Lady Luck.

☙ OOC Information ❧

"Together, we could while away the quiet hours, as friend and confidant... if you would accept me..."

18+ only • Walk-Ups / PMs OK • All RPs WelcomeThank you for getting this far!Hope you enjoyed the read!I am a 25+ gamer who has been playing FFXIV for over a year now. I love this game and everything about it and I am super excited about the amazing RP community! I am a para to multi-para RPer though I often mirror my RP partners with their writing. I am open to all kinds of RP, including dark, triggering, adult, violence, etc. I only ask that any RPs which result in permanent modification of my character's appearance go through me first OOCly.Also I am a huge stickler for keeping IC in-character and OOC out-of-character. I do not blend and I expect my RP partners to not blend either.Discord: FelVyper#2101

☙ Soundtrack ❧

Bad Romance - Halestorm
(Lady Gaga Rock Cover)
I want your love, and I want your revenge, You and me could write a bad romance.

Control - Unknown
(Halsey Male Vocal Cover)
And I tried to hold these secrets inside me, My mind's like a deadly disease, I'm bigger than my body, I'm colder than this home, I'm meaner than my demons, I'm bigger than these bones.

Nightmare - The Veer Union
(Halsey Rock Cover)
I keep a record of the wreckage of my life, I gotta recognize the weapon in my mind, They talk shit, but I love it every time, No, I won't smile, but I'll show you my teeth.

Lithium - EvanescenceLithium, don't wanna forget how it feels without, Lithium, I wanna stay in love with my sorrow.

☙ Full Background ❧

"And amidst deepest despair...light everlasting."

Warning: Post-SHB Spoilers Included!

...picking up where we left off...The XIIth Legion, after their defeat in Doma to the Warrior of Light and the Eastern Alliance, were recalled to Ala Mhigo and then, with the death of Lord Zenos, to Garlemald itself. They fought in the Battle of Ghimlyt Dark but always they returned to Garlemald. It wasn't long after their return that dissention and chaos began to stir among the populace of Garlemald - the military and political powers especially.With the assassination of Emperor Varis, however, those stirrings erupted into an inferno of civil war. It was not long after that, with the great shaking roar that poured through-out the land, that Reyr's memories disappear - only the vaguest recollection of a driving desire to serve Garlemald at all costs. He had no sense of self or personal will. He was a puppet, nothing more.The next thing he knew he was 'waking up' on a twice battle-torn field of Carteneau with a Scion of the Seventh Dawn, a small elezen girl, and a flying porxie hovering over his head. Gone was the driving desire for all things Garlemald, gone was the voice in his head directing him to do its bidding. The shackles on his mind, his body...his soul...were gone.Still, he was Garlean, and these were savages. He'd heard how horrible they were since his capture from the Wood and, before then...well...they had to be quite horrible to be so banned from Tahno and Heilagur territory in the Wood, didn't they? All Humes were savages. So, he took the first chance he got and ran away before they could take him as a prisoner of war.He escaped and wandered, weak and broken from his experience being Tempered, and wounded from the battle he didn't remember fighting. It was in the wooded boughs of the Black Shroud he finally collapsed. Days later he woke in a small, secluded hut deep in the Shroud being cared for by a small mi'qote who had cared for his wounds. It was a couple more weeks before he was able to function again and he insisted on remaining a couple weeks more after his recovery to assist the mi'qote around their hut to repay them for their kindness, having nothing else to give. When they parted, they parted friends and he made his way into Gridania proper, devoid of his Garlean armor and dressed in more fitting clothing - though he still carried with him his treasured gunblade, a gift to him from his friend Zhaavi a long time ago, back in Doma....return to the original background for a brief continuation of his story...

ᵵ RP Hooks ᵵ

In addition to the RP Hooks which can be found on the Deeper Look page, here are some full-background spoiler-related RP Hooks:» Former Tempered Garlean - Soon after Ghimlyt Dark, when he was recalled to Garlemald, he was among those of the military to become tempered. He was recently saved at the second Battle of Carteneau by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Were you at the second Battle of Carteneau?» Mi'qote to the Rescue - So far the mi'qote who saved him in the Shroud right after the Second Battle of Carteneau is an unnamed NPC. If you're interested in playing them (male or female), let me know!

☙ NSFW Information ❧

"I have no interest in beasts who only howl."

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Looks Early 30s • Male - Switch/Top
Pansexual - Male Leaning

Reyr, while able to take on a bottom role during sex (and enjoy it), he is naturally a Top and enjoys taking control during sex, be it in a subtle way or in a more overt way. Whether his lover is male, female, non-binary, futa or what-have-you, Reyr is not picky. If there is a mutual attraction to be found, he'll find and deliver exquisite pleasure.

ᵵ Primary Interests ᵵ

These are a few of Reyr's primary interests as well as his hard-limits. For a full list of his interests, check out his KinkSheet!Favorites
Primal Sex
Choking/Breath Play
Orgasm Control
Extreme Sex Themes
Public/Stealth Penetration (giving)
Clothed Sex
Knife Play
Group Sex
Handjobs (receiving)
Blowjobs (giving/receiving)
Tantric Sex
Wall Sex
Sensory Deprivation
Impact Play
Watersports, Scat, Vore, Gore

☙ Gallery ❧

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